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Re: [udig-dev] sprint update

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Hi all,
In udig 1.2 there is a bug in rendering of activated/deactivated layers:

1. deactivate a layer (make it invisible)
2. zoom into the map (or out)
3. activate the layer
=> the layer has the rendered state of the moment when it was deactivated,
i.e. it is not re-rendered after the activation

I started LT udig 2.0 and could not reproduce this behavior, but I also
could not figure out what has changed in the evolution of udig from 1.2 to
2.0 that has fixed this bug: debugged it and compared sources.

Anyone remember what has been done to fix this issue, so to backport it to


Best regards,

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<div dir=3D"ltr">Hi all,<div>In udig 1.2 there is a bug in rendering of act=
ivated/deactivated layers:</div><div><br></div><div>1. deactivate a layer (=
make it invisible)</div><div>2. zoom into the map (or out)</div><div>3. act=
ivate the layer</div><div>=3D&gt; the layer has the rendered state of the m=
oment when it was deactivated, i.e. it is not re-rendered after the activat=
ion</div><div><br></div><div>I started LT udig 2.0 and could not reproduce =
this behavior, but I also could not figure out what has changed in the evol=
ution of udig from 1.2 to 2.0 that has fixed this bug: debugged it and comp=
ared sources.</div><div><br></div><div>Anyone remember what has been done t=
o fix this issue, so to backport it to 1.2?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks=
!</div><div><br></div><div>Best regards,</div><div>Erdal</div></div>


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