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Re: [udig-devel] doc conversion to Sphinx and RST

I'm not sure about the new location. I had something different in my
mind but lets sort it. I would prefer a single source documentation
where the content for the online help (both eclipse and really online
help at could be generated. This in mind we need
a multi-language system (like OSGeo live does) to support
We can make that work; but we would need to add an extra step to generate the docs out into the correct location (i.e. we need to ship them in two plugins at the end of the day). 

Single source means also in combination with program code sources
(java, xml, etc). 1+ for udig-platform. Within the repository a root
doc folder would be the entrance fro documentations, independent from
target (user/developer, offline walk-through pdfs/eclipse help for help at

Is it possible to extract user documentation from confluence wiki for
the integrated eclipse help?
Yes - you can export from the wiki - in raw xml form (that contains sections of text using textile markup). 
Paul did an experiment to split that up and generate out separate files.

We experimented with using the eclipse built in support for textile; and were able to get some results.
The wiki has the advantage that potential
non programmers haven not to deal with source checkout and obstacles
like git fetches/pull's/push's. How likes to help in user docs just
need a wiki account, nothing else ..

You see, I'm torn between developer friendly single source system and
be open for contribution from end-users and non developers without any
technical obstacles.
I have tried the wiki; it is time to move on. Especially since refractions has not updated confluence (I ask every six months).

We need to go to static generated docs anyways as part of migrating to eclipse infrastructure (I don't think they run confluence but we can check).


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