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[udig-devel] ShapefileDataStoreFactory and Metadata Param.EXT "shp"

Hallo Lists,

first of all, sorry for cross-posting.

I'm working on a fix to use geotools DataStores in uDig correctly,
especially that one using the ShapefileDataStoreFactory.

I assumed that the store needs an URL to work correctly. In addition
to the URL Param File Extension Metadata has been added. That confused
me a bit,
because I thought a folder/directory URL would be enough to open all
containing shapefiles.

I tested a bit and it works like expected (file:/ URL to an folder
works smooth).

I'd like to ask, what the background of the Param.EXT,"shp" KVP is. Is
this metadata relevant for any application? The problem I have right
now is the generic behavior in udig. it analysis the param metadata
and dependent on the EXT value a FileDialog with the matching filter
is shown up (lets say shp -> *.shp). But I dont want to open a
FileDialog, a DirectoryDialog (SWT) would be much better.

Could anybody please describe the default behavior for FileDataStores
and why the mentioned Metadata has been added? In an earlier geotools
release, lets say 2.4, I haven't found this parameter whereas in the
current 8-SNAPSHOT release its in. I guess it has been added around
revision 35310

Please help me to clarify this.


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