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[udig-devel] this week in udig

Morning all;

LISAsoft has a couple of udig training courses coming up (check out the blog post here -

I am afraid I was a bit out of the loop and am only getting around to things now. If you know anyone interested in attending the course (or if you have attended a course previously and have some kind words we can use to help with promotion please feel free to chirp up :D ).

This also means that I need to get the uDig 1.2.1 SDK sorted out today; and tested over the course of the week.

As usual I will try and keep some notes on the wiki:

Other than that the release process has gone smoothly; I probably needed to create a windows installer (as that usually ensures a bit more testing can be performed).
- we have reports of bluemarble webservice not working; and bluemarble geotiff only working on windows (but not on linux)
- we have a description that "Something" is missing from the SDK - I could not tell from the email what (I did verify that running udig from the sdk quickstart worked; so I am hard pressed to guess what is missing)
- online help was refreshed (thanks!) but could really use some more details with respect to "tasks" that can be performed with the new style editors
- a couple visual glitches to look into
- any word on translations being updated?

I will start today by looking into the linux specific issue with geotiffs not rendering. It is going to be a while as I need to set up a linux environment.

I expect that:
a) this has nothing to do with bluemarble (I expect all geotiffs not to work)
b) it probably represents messing up the JRE in someway or other? I do note that world+image is working
c) worst case this is a geotools or imageio-ext bug; aaime reports no issues on linux; and I have passed on the sample data we use - so we may be able to cross this senario off the list


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