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[udig-devel] Status of 1.2.1 - short list to be fixed

So reading through the 1.2.1 page ... we have some work to do today. I may not end up making it through this list today; but I may as well start now.

1. labels

Summary: Bug Hunt

2. windows spash screen

This works for me on windows; not sure why it did not for Silvia?

Summary: Works for me

3. Italian translations

I don't know an easy way to update translations; I still use ResourceBundle viewer to check things over.
Could we get a list of what is missing? I am mostly concerned to check if the "missing" labels
are actually in a file to be translated.

Summary: Hard work

4. Tool refresh (move vertex, delete tool, fill tool)

We keep trying to make these "faster" by refreshing a smaller part of the screen. For now I will make them call
layer.refresh( null ) which will make them refresh the entire screen. Slower but less problems?

Summary: Quick Fix

5. Edit Geometry / Save / Revert / Commit

Something more serious is up here; and I am not sure what to make of it. If the
commits are really going on all the time; then perhaps our "layer interceptor" has failed - the one
that is responsible for wrapping a FeatureStore and noticing when add/modify/remove is called.

I am hard pressed to see how this happened since 1.2.0; as I was not aware of any changes in this area.

Summary: Bug Hunt

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