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Re: [udig-devel] Testing with Eclipse 3.6

On 01/07/2010, at 11:03 PM, Aritz Dávila wrote:

> Hi Jody,
> Problems on Quickstart:
> -After dropping Clouds.jpg and countries.shp, uDig tells me I need to increase 
> the JVM memory. After a restart, it tries to do it, but it does wrong. 
> It should add the next parameter: -Xmx1024M
> but instead it adds this: -Xmx1024MM so it stops working.

I was not aware it was willing to change its own startup parameters?

Running out of memory on such a simple thing does not sounds good (I hope we don't have
to go back to 3.5.2). What platform are you testing on BTW?

Note performing the same test on osx is fine; and in fact very fast.

Do you think you could figure out how to add the "heap" monitor to the uDig application? 
It would be a useful tool in debugging these kind of issues.

> Thus, after fixing the parameter, and launching uDig again, it tells me the 
> same again, I haven't enough memory, so I try changing it to 2048. After 
> changing and fixing the parameter, I launch it and it happens the same, over 
> and over. 
> There is another problem with all the edit tools.
> When you create a new layer, lets say a polygon layer, you can use all the 
> tools used on polygon layers. It seems everything is fine, but if you close 
> uDig and restart it, now you can't use any tool :/

You guys are the experts on tools; let us know what the issue is - I am curious.

> Testing walkthrough 1 & 2

Thanks; can I ask you to add notes to the wiki? Link to issues that are stopping
release; anything you want to get done or ensure is tested etc...


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