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Re: [udig-devel] Status of GML and KML Support

Absolutely.  The attached KML work with Google Earth, both Web and desktop version.

I actually could not get to load the KML file.  I put the jar file you sent me in the plugins folder.  The KML import option shows up in the import wizard:

Attachment: Screen shot 2010-06-24 at 10.21.53 AM.png
Description: Screen shot 2010-06-24 at 10.21.53 AM.png

When I select that and press next, I got an error message:

Attachment: Screen shot 2010-06-24 at 10.22.34 AM.png
Description: Screen shot 2010-06-24 at 10.22.34 AM.png

I seems like class is missing or not configured correctly.  The full detail error message is:

The selected wizard could not be started.
  Plug-in eu.hydrologis.jgrass.vectorimportexport was unable to load class eu.hydrologis.jgrass.kml.wizard.KmlImportWizard.

What should I try?



Attachment: Sample.kml
Description: Sample.kml

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