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Re: [udig-devel] trying out 3.6 and changes to refresh.xml

So after accepting the jar changes; I am down to one problem in net.refractions.udig.libs - which was also reported on this list earlier....
At least for Eclipse 3.6 modeling bundle; org.apache.xerces cannot be found as a dependency in the target platform.

So we have two options:
- make our own org.apache.xerces plugin
- grab it into libs for now

I am going to grab it into libs just so we can get the build going again; but I won't commit until I hear back. I believe there was a repository of "osgi" plugins available somewhere that projects can make use of? But I am not sure of the details.


On 24/06/2010, at 5:17 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:

> Afternoon all.
> Updating the docs ....
> - updated with links to 3.6.0
> - Thus far we do not need a new "" as the babel translations are not released for 3.6.0; the existing dropins-3.5.2 should work fine.
> - noticed mirror1 was set to a server in spain :-D
> - went through copy.properites to have a fixed set of repositories to hit (central, geotoolsRepository, jaitoolsmaven, geosolutionsmaven)
> - we can switch geotoolsRepository between stable and snapshot as needed when working on a stable branch
> - added documentation examples to the above page showing how to change your settings.xml to point to mirror of central if needed
> - hopefully this will be less trouble all around? At the very least it is less repositories to check
> Still waiting on imageio-ext 1.0.6-1 news to determine if a new JRE needs to be produced all around.
> Jody

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