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Re: [udig-devel] udig and ETRS_1989_LAEA

Hi, thanks for all these answers. Great to hear this important projection will be supported in 1.2.  I'm having some trouble with the trunk (refuses to add a new layer altogether) but I have to admit I can't explore much further for the moment (i'll try again in a few days). Good luck with the sprint!

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Andrea Aime <aaime@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jody Garnett ha scritto:

This is a missing of EPSG in the uDig1.1.

Whew so we are getting a benifit up changing to epsg-hsql - because if
not it was a lot of work.

Jody what can we do with bugs only related to 1.1? Can you find a way to fix
them and do a new udig1.1 release or should we wait for the 1.2?

There is a uDig 1.1.2/GeoTools2.2 on the books; but I am not involved
in the planning of it. Since we have figured out how to use epsg-hsql
on trunk; we may know enough to try it out in uDig 1.1.2 - but it
really is a long shot. If anyone was going to work on it they would
start by asking the GeoTools module maintainer about what has changed;
and if the version of epsg-hsql available for GeoTools 2.2 would
actually help.

My guess (without checks) is that ETRS_1989_LAEA is using one of the
projections that were added during 2.3.x/2.4.x series.
That's the most likely reason for having an EPSG code not supported
by GeoTools, the math for its projection is missing.
For example, if you look at trunk today, you'll see the Cassini-Soldner
projection is not supported, and that result in some 20 different
EPSG codes not being supported in GeoTools.


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
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