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Re: [udig-devel] udig-1.2 for linux and mac

Harry Bullen ha scritto:
Personally I really, really dislike the idea of asking someone
download your copy of the jre in linux.  Because all popular distos
now have very good package managment it is much better to say do
apt-get install jai-imageio then to force someone to download another
whole jre.  Besides being a time consuming waste of bandwidth it
prevents the user form upgrading.  The current version of java
1.6.0_11 while we are still force everyone to use 1.6.0_04.  This
would be even worse if there had been a major security vulnerability
discovered in java.  A user could upgrade their regular java an think
they are safe and then still be affected by the problem in the uDig
jre.  So actually the best thing to do would be to submit udig to the
various distros mainlly Debian and Red Hat (and Gentoo)  and then
people can just go "sudo apt-get insall udig" to install udig.

Just some feedback from GeoServer land, where we do not distribute
a JDK along with GeoServer.

Linux installs are a major pain because people have installed
by default some lesser java runtimes such as OpenJDK or gcj
that are not 100% compatible with the Sun one, and GeoServer
fails to start on those. And if it started, it would be like
2-10 times slower at map rendering since the accelerated
java2d pipeline is proprietary and cannot be shipped in
the open source java versions.

So... you would be trading one issue for another. Pick your poison ;)


Andrea Aime
OpenGeo -
Expert service straight from the developers.

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