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Re: [udig-devel] udig-1.2 for linux and mac

I have a few reports back that the linux download provided below does not work.

I expect that it probably wants a jre/ folder to be copied into the udig folder...or for Java to be available on the system?

I would like to ask someone to try .....
1. download the linux zip
2. unzip it
3. unzip the following jre into it

Actually one of the fun parts of uDig 1.2 is all the image-io ext stuff being included in the jre; I have this available for the windows users but we will need someone with access to linux to bundle everything up for the linux community as per the instructions here:

Silvia Franceschi wrote:
Thanks Jody,
I downloaded the mac version and it started, so I can start also to do the walkthroug.

Thanks for the big work you all are doing in uDig...


On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 8:32 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:jody.garnett@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:

    During todays informal IRC chat (logs posted?) it was mentioned
    that Silvia was stuck not being able to help until a linux or mac
    release was made of uDig 1.2.
    I had a go during the IRC chat and failed - because some kind of
    equnox launcher was not "found" in my target platform...

    So here we go:

    (Those files are uploading now ... no idea how long that will take)

    Turns out that although it was not actually my eclipse install -
    which was my fear. Eclipse 3.4 has a new check box on the target
    platform definition screen which controls how all the jars are
    discovered- by default it ignores everything that does not work on
    your machine - so the linux launcher was not included for me even
    though I followed all the same steps as before.

    Un checking this box returned things to normal; and I was able to
    make the linux and mac release.

    We need to update the ADMIN wiki space on defining a target
    platform to include this step,


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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