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Re: [udig-devel] Using uDIg kernel

Have a look at the features included in the uDig application; especially the tutorial on trunk that makes use of an "rcp" feature - it is the absolute minimum designed for exactly the needs you describe.

It is the "Tracking" tutorial defined on this page:

This feature set does not really include a Map Editor - the tutorial example shows how to make a view that has a map in it.

PS. These code examples are from the uDig training course - something you may wish to consider taking

Yanaris Jorge Aguirre wrote:
We are intending to use the uDig kernell inside a custom RCP application. We need for example load some maps into the application. That´s why we need to know the minimal plugins set to develop that feature. Thanks a lot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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