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Re: [udig-devel] Whare GetMap requests logged as error?

Jody Garnett schrieb:
The logging system has some definitions we are working against ...
- INFO - information to the user progress and such like
- WARNING - some kind of problem occurred; the system has made an assumption as is going to continue anyways ... - ERROR - some kind of problem occurred and the system could not continue (in this case it is because we do not have an equivelent image we can put in as an "answer" for the missing image form the GetMap request)

Do you have an example of the log message? Perhaps it is in the wrong category?

This is one example of the log:

!ENTRY net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.wms 4 0 2008-11-27 09:28:41.046
!MESSAGE GetMap:,8.03265941499675,101.95062047068548,9.203102647989613&WIDTH=1070&STYLES=default&SRS=EPSG:4326&VERSION=1.1.1

The server returned a map shown in the client. It's good to log all WMS requests but it's disturbing to see them as error.


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