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Re: [udig-devel] action tools on dropdown together with modal tools

Hi Andrea,

So I think you have reached the limit of uDig at the moment. What we have right now for the toolbar is a ToolbarManager that can be set for the entire application. As a plugin to uDig you are kind of restricted to that. Although I think it can be set on a per perspective basis. We plan on changing the ToolbarManager in the future because the current one is not enough.

One Options are to not include the tools in the tools bar I think that is an option in the tool extension point. And manually add them to the editor or a view on startup or through an extension point. Adding to a view is easy but adding through an extension point is tricker because you would have to create an Action that essentially wraps the tool.


On 27-Nov-08, at 9:08 AM, andrea antonello wrote:

Hi Jody,
your answers are very bound to your way of working.
As you know we always try to "force" our customers to stay on standard
Udig with various extentions.
That helps Udig a lot in my opinion.
So we try to never use just parts of udig, but try to push udig to
grow as a general purpose tool. That is the reason why I try to not
introduce new perspectives if not really necessary, which in most of
my cases is not necessary.

That is not feasible for me, since the action tool I have, is the one
that should open the view.

You should have your own perspective here; that includes both the view - and enables / disables the action sets that control what tools appear in the top
If the action tool actually opens the view then I am a bit confused as to why it is a tool? Is it like the info tool in that a a query is made and a
view used to show the answer? Nope that does not make sense...

The fact is that the toolbars are a bit crowded and I wanted to have
small logically connected bars.
In my case the geonotes creation tool and the selection tools are in
the tools bar. The open geonotes fieldbook view is in the bar with all
the navigation things. I would prefer top have a small bar with all of
them together, as I did for the gps tools. It works out much better
for users, else they always have to search around.

Still if this is being a problem maybe we need a new toolbar construct that has toggle buttons for various views of interesting tools... does your action just open the view? Does it close it as well? Perhaps you could
provide more information?

It just opens the view, I could also make it toggle and close, but
that doesn't change much the thing.
I attach a screenshot just to have an idea of what I am talking about.

Thanks for the links below, I will read through them.


- explore the use of the "palette" tool that the Draw2d crowd put
Near as I can tell it is a custom SWT control that has a similar model to what we put together. If we can switch to that it will give Jesse less
to maintain.

What do you mean with the palette tool of draw2d?

It is a control - similar in spirit to what we made that was origionally done for the Graphical Editing Framework projects. It was not ready when we made uDig 1.0 but we should be able to switch over to it and reduce our

There is also the nebula project that is making useful custom widgets in
this direction.

Here is an example use:

Here are some docs:

It has the same concepts as we do; modal tools and fire and forget action kind of tools. It arranges thes things into shelves of functionality and has a couple interesting presentations of the same data structure - depending on
horizontal / virticle orientation and if labels are displayed.



On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 3:18 AM, andrea antonello
<andrea.antonello@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have a set of tools that logically should be in the same place.
2 of them are modal and one is action.
If I put them on the toolbar through the extention point option:
onToolbar = true,
and with the same category, 2 of them are together in a dropdown , and
the action is all alone in another toolbar.

Is there a way to get them together or do I have to delegate an
ActionSet to do that?

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