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Re: [udig-devel] Whare GetMap requests logged as error?

Jürgen Jacob wrote:
This is one example of the log:

!ENTRY net.refractions.udig.catalog.internal.wms 4 0 2008-11-27 09:28:41.046 !MESSAGE GetMap:,8.03265941499675,101.95062047068548,9.203102647989613&WIDTH=1070&STYLES=default&SRS=EPSG:4326&VERSION=1.1.1

The server returned a map shown in the client. It's good to log all WMS requests but it's disturbing to see them as error.
Thanks for the example; it actually should not be logging any WMS requests (unless you have asked it to

You can see the example on that page resembles what you are seeing in your log.

I will run in a debugger next time and see if the problem exists on trunk.

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