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Re: [Geotools-devel] [udig-devel] Catalog and styles

Wellmann, Harald wrote:
Found it... It's not uDig, the Geotools SLDTransformer is broken (on trunk).

i.e. the <ogc:Filter> tags are missing, and after reopening uDig and loading the memento from the *.umap file, this is what is left:
Moreover, my original


gets transformed into
<sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>generic:geometry</sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>  <sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>ANY</sld:SemanticTypeIdentifier>

I'm not sure if that is a problem.
I am not sure myself; Emily was working on the FilterParser although it looks like you are running into issues with the Filter -> XML leg of the journey.
To fix this problem, I changed SLDTransformer.SLDTranslator.visit(Rule), replacing



element("Filter", filter).

With that change, my styles work as they should even after resurrection from the memento.
Bleck; I will apply the patch. I wonder how it got broken? Here is the bug report:

Patch applied to geotools trunk; I will deploy later today when I get a chance.
As an aside, I still think the behaviour of uDig is a bit counterintuitive. You can edit an SLD in the Change Style dialog, but when you close and reopen the dialog, what you get back is not the content you edited, but the result of a roundtrip SLD -> Style -> SLD transformation, and even if the SLDTransformer were 100 % correct, you would lose all XML comments and formatting.
I have no problem seeing an XMLStyleContent being created. Indeed that would be a good idea; the XML editor added later and no attempt was made to have it preserve the text as written.


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