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[udig-devel] Re: About localizing uDig

Hi Heikki,

We do still use these email addresses; a few keys will of changed from February but not that much. If you have a link to Keypro Oy we can credit them with the work when the language files are intergrated and we make a news announcement.

I also ask that translators make a translation of the quickstart page here:

Is this something I could ask you to do? The idea is that I would like a single page of instructions for a user in their native lanague.


On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 9:17 PM, <heikkiparikka@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jesse and Jody,

time has passed, so I finally send you these Finnish localization files. We have used them with 1.1SDK-SC3 and they work. If you put them in the future into SDK that would be good. As well I'd like to see a Finnish standard uDig in near future if possible. Translation package is from february so it probably misses some properties. How about 1.2 - can these files be used with that version as they are?

A company called Keypro Oy has supported the translation in the last meters of work and will use the translation in a product for a customer.

I hope you still read these e-mails addresses :), time has really passed.

Have a nice rest of the autumn,

Heikki P.

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