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Re: [udig-devel] headless build in ol' 1.1.x

On 11-Nov-08, at 11:09 AM, andrea antonello wrote:

I'm digging in the sdk problem:
In net.refractions.udig.libs.source/jars.xml

<property name="lib" value="src/net.refractions.udig.libs_1.1.0/lib"/>

was defined inside the build.jars target. Clean was called before and
that was breaking it.
So moving the property to global to the script did the job.

So next:
     [get] Getting:
     [get] To:
/container/development/udig/1.1.x_build/builds/1.1.x-sdk/plugins/ net.refractions.udig.libs.source/src/net.refractions.udig.libs_1.1.0/ lib/
     [get] Error getting
to /container/development/udig/1.1.x_build/builds/1.1.x-sdk/plugins/ net.refractions.udig.libs.source/src/net.refractions.udig.libs_1.1.0/ lib/

I get this error because I do not have
/home/moovida/.m2/repository/gt_source/ in my repo. Anyway, strange
enough, after that error,
/container/development/udig/1.1.x_build/builds/1.1.x-sdk/plugins/ net.refractions.udig.libs.source/src/net.refractions.udig.libs_1.1.0/ lib/

Anyway at some point of the build, I get a filenotfound error:
/container/development/udig/1.1.x_build/builds/1.1.x-sdk/features/ net.refractions.udig_platform.source-feature/build.xml
(No such file or directory)

This is often because of version number problems. Check those. Check both the version numbers and make sure that all the file that it depends on exist and make sure that the version number of platform.source-feature feature is the same as the version number of platform-feature feature and platform.source plugin.


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