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Re: [udig-devel] Re: feedback from course

>> - export of layers leads to empty prj files
> This is odd, The PRJ normally defaults to the prj of the Map.  if it is a
> Cartesian PRJ then no prj can be created.  Check the map.  Then when you are
> exporting check the CRS
> definition of each layer.  Sounds to me like the map is not a valid CRS.
>  But don't know for sure.

The crs is properly set, we tried times and times. I gave a look into
the code and tried to set forceCrs to the datastore, but then I get a
NPE later on. Have no more time to check that now.
I agree that the problem is odd. It seems top work on macosx.

>> - when you create a new udig project in the same folder and with the
>> same name of an old one, it doesn't give any warning.
> I agree.  It should give warning.  But it doesn't overwrite anything as far
> as I know.


>> - dragging bunches of tiffs into the layer view still creates double
>> entries sometimes
> I could see this if they are both Geotiffs and have a world file.  In that
> case they actually can be used by two different resource so they would be
> both added.  I am not sure of a good solution for this.

Ok, will have to discuss this at a meeting with some use case.

>> - when restarting udig, tiff entries sometimes loose their link to the
>> disk
> Sounds like another windows URL->File problem.

The most loved :)

>> - there is still this wrong ordering issue in the table view (but this is
>> known)
> Remind me which one is this?

I try by memory, in case Silvia correct me: if you order a field in
the table view and then select a cell of another field, the selected
feature is not the one you see selected in the table view but instead
the one that was occupying that place before sorting.

>> - the help search system doesn't work if the gui language is Italian
> It doesn't work at all?  Or shows english?

It shows the pages, but the search doesn't work. Insreting reshape and
doing the search doesn't lead anywhere.

>> - when you choose to style a layer with the theme mode, there is no
>> way to get back to simple without reloading the layer, right?
> Hmmm.  Good question.  I think you are correct.  That is a bit of an issue I
> agree.  You can attack the XML but it is probably easier to simply reload
> the layer.

Yeah, that isn't that much of a problem though. Just to report it.


> Jesse
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> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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