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Re: [udig-devel] Re: feedback from course

Hi Andrea, I don't have time to check these issues right now but I will try to comment.
On 17-Oct-08, at 9:25 AM, andrea antonello wrote:

Hei, anyone feedback on that?
I just tried on my own window machine and the problem is there.
I don't think this can be ignored. I'll try to debug a bit before the
course starts again.

Here a list of things we noticed at the course. Perhaps there are easy
answers to some of those:

- export of layers leads to empty prj files
This is odd, The PRJ normally defaults to the prj of the Map. if it is a Cartesian PRJ then no prj can be created. Check the map. Then when you are exporting check the CRS definition of each layer. Sounds to me like the map is not a valid CRS. But don't know for sure.

- when you create a new udig project in the same folder and with the
same name of an old one, it doesn't give any warning.
I agree. It should give warning. But it doesn't overwrite anything as far as I know.

- dragging bunches of tiffs into the layer view still creates double
entries sometimes

I could see this if they are both Geotiffs and have a world file. In that case they actually can be used by two different resource so they would be both added. I am not sure of a good solution for this.

- when restarting udig, tiff entries sometimes loose their link to the disk

Sounds like another windows URL->File problem.

- there is still this wrong ordering issue in the table view (but this is known)
Remind me which one is this?

- the help search system doesn't work if the gui language is Italian
It doesn't work at all?  Or shows english?

- when you choose to style a layer with the theme mode, there is no
way to get back to simple without reloading the layer, right?

Hmmm. Good question. I think you are correct. That is a bit of an issue I agree. You can attack the XML but it is probably easier to simply reload the layer.


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