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Re: [udig-devel] using postgres libs

andrea antonello wrote:
Hi Jody,
the postgres jar in my plugin works, since the postgis plugin jars are not exported.

Are you telling me to change the export rules in the postgis plugin?
I was; and then I looked at the code and found a better answer. The *net.refractions.udig.libs.postgis* plugin already holds the jar you are interested in; and it is how the net.refractions.udig.catalog.postgis plug-in gets the jdbc driver. You can do the same thing ...
I would be glad to do so, particularly if then I can exploit something like

Connection connection = postgisService.resolve( Connection.class, null );

Howevere i think that will not cover the case in which the service is not loaded?
I would like to make sure the postgisService.resolve( Connection.class, null ) idea works; but lets put that off for another day.

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