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[udig-devel] Re: Changing coordinate programmatically

Hi Jody,
Thanks for your attention, I recently send some code snippet so you can see how I am getting my features.
I am trying to acomplish this: I will have some features in a layer and somehow I will get to that feature via iterators, querying, holding pointer to feature etc. (doesnt matter). Than I want to update its coordinates according to some info that I am getting from another source. (like a GPS device)
By the way, I will be doing this every often. (500ms or 1 sec) so another question is will this cause any performance problems?
I am a newbie so maybe I am getting this all wrong.


High level:
- FeatureStore.updateFeatures to replace the geometry with a modified 
one ... you will use a feature id filter to select a single feature to 
be modified.

Low level:
- Use FeatureWriter and update the geometry before calling write()

UDIG specific:
- select the feature onto the edit blackboard
- issue commands to move and modify the coordinates just like the edit 
tools do

Can you be more specific about what you are trying to accomplish? For 
example where did you get your feature from...

> Hi guys,
> Can anybody tell me how can I change the coordinate(s) of a feature's geometry programmatically? 
> Thanks,
> Tankut Koray


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