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Re: [udig-devel] Bug Fixes for 1.1.x

Jesse Eichar wrote:
I've been working on bug fixes this week.

Here's a list of the bugs fixed:
- Clear Selection used to not rerender so features that were hidden for rendering disappeared when menu item was selected.
- Geotiff files now reload correctly
- PostGis wizard is improved so that it is easier to type in the database name. - Create Layer wizard was missing the images and the images were badly stretched. The buttons also looked very funny on mac. - Reshape now has the option to add the newly created resource to a map (don't worry Jody this was done via extensions)
- Probably more little fixes that I forgot.

I have 1 more day before my demo. I will release a new uDig for public testing after the demo.
Thanks Jesse; we only had two gottchas from testing:
- the "Tools" menu being added after the help menu; I think these actually want to be listed in the Map menu ... ie the default location for "left over" tools is wrong - DnD from Firefox 3; I noticed Firefox 3 RC2 came out today - initial testing shows that our bug is still there.


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