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[udig-devel] JGrass more and more inside udig

Hi udiggers,
a new step towards udig has been luckily done, thanks to all involved
people and sponsors on the JGrass side.

While JGrass and BeeGIS will stay brands that various institutions
like the University of Trento, C.U.D.A.M. and the University of Urbino
will want to keep for particular customizations and projects (mainly
for funding reasons), the "community editions" will be udig extentions
loadable from update sites same as for example the Axios tools.
I am very glad we reached that agreement, since now it will take me
just that day to set up the update sites and I expect than there will
be no more loss of time in packaging (at least not that much).
As expected we will continue to keep separated mailinglists (what a
pitty, I would love to have just one :) ), because honestly it doesn't
make much sense to mix advanced hydrology with WFS.

I really hope this will help. For sure it will help me a lot :)

Any comment welcome,

PS: I already have one first problem that I'm not sure how to solve.
Because of the console editor, we need some additional eclipse rcp
For the installation I should be able to include them in the update site.
But how to do for the sdk? IS there an easy way to handle that? Any
idea? Else I will have to package every time an extra udig-sdk.

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