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Re: [udig-devel] JGrass more and more inside udig

On Thursday 05 June 2008 16:05:46 andrea antonello wrote:
> Hi udiggers,
> a new step towards udig has been luckily done, thanks to all involved
> people and sponsors on the JGrass side.
> While JGrass and BeeGIS will stay brands that various institutions
> like the University of Trento, C.U.D.A.M. and the University of Urbino
> will want to keep for particular customizations and projects (mainly
> for funding reasons), the "community editions" will be udig extentions
> loadable from update sites same as for example the Axios tools.
> I am very glad we reached that agreement, since now it will take me
> just that day to set up the update sites and I expect than there will
> be no more loss of time in packaging (at least not that much).
> As expected we will continue to keep separated mailinglists (what a
> pitty, I would love to have just one :) ), because honestly it doesn't
> make much sense to mix advanced hydrology with WFS.
> I really hope this will help. For sure it will help me a lot :)
> Any comment welcome,
> Ciao,
> Andrea
Ciao Andrea, I think you have taken an excellent decision. I was following 
Grass, it is a great project. I will take a look at jGrass the next week, 
probably I will ask a lot of question :).

My congratulation  

Mauricio Pazos
Tel.: +34 94 682 42 86

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