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Re: [udig-devel] docs in uDig -> bring on the linux

Jody Garnett wrote:
My boss somewhere has a blog entry on why "users" are not useful. It is true that developers are much more central to the early success of most open source

I tend to think GIS is a slightly different field, because in GIS the data is scares and users run the application past far more weird and wonderful data than the developers
could ever get their hands on.

So bring on the users I say :-)
PS. Of course if anyone does have paid uDig based work Refractions is always interested
To be fair their is a list of commercial parties available for uDig work.

There has been great success in the past hiring developers to fix a specific problem - I do recommend this as an option (especially if you are against a deadline or would like to prepare for a demo).

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