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[udig-devel] docs in uDig -> bring on the linux

Peter N. Schweitzer wrote:

I appreciate your mapping out the terrain for me.  While I've done
a lot of programming, I'm not sure that I'm ready to become a developer
of uDig or geotools yet.  What I would point out, however, is that
even though many of you might regard uDig as a relatively primitive
tool, for those of us working in Linux it looks really good, and it
has some crucial features that ArcExplorer doesn't (projection support,
access to PostGIS).  Yes I know Grass is available, but uDig looks
and works a lot more like the ESRI tools that we learned GIS on.
So you may find a lot more Linux users coming your way, asking
questions, and (hopefully) contributing to the docs.
Sweet :-)

My boss somewhere has a blog entry on why "users" are not useful. It is true
that developers are much more central to the early success of most open source

I tend to think GIS is a slightly different field, because in GIS the data is scares and users run the application past far more weird and wonderful data than the developers
could ever get their hands on.

So bring on the users I say :-)
PS. Of course if anyone does have paid uDig based work Refractions is always interested

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