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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Info view oddities

Hi Ron,
ecxuse me, but I don't understand very well and I'm interested since I
run on Linux and Udig freezes from time to time.
I assumed that it is because of the disabling of advanced graphics at
the begin.

I would be very willing to create a wiki page with all the possible
linux related issues and how to solve them, if we are able to collect
the different problem.


Ron Bentley probaly wrote:
> Solution to two uDig 1.1-RC10a installs on Debian Etch where one would
> not display the info view:
> Install Mozilla 1.7.12 *for GTK2 and Xft* from Mozilla's list of
> releases (
> Sorry to disturb the list -- must beat head longer before posting dumb
> questions.
> As a caution to others, though, the default "Iceape" package on Debian
> stable -- the re-branded Mozilla browser -- does not appear to work for
> the info viewer (though it works fine with the help).  The earlier
> mozilla-browser packages did (before Etch went stable).
> Ron Bentley
> _______________________________________________
> User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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