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Re: [udig-devel] Some problems and suggestions

Schmitt, Magna (CIP) wrote:
An issue with uDig RC4 from trunk:
- When I delete a layer from "Layers" view, the layer in the editor dissapears but in the "Layers" view remains still.

This has been fixed to my knowledge. Please note that stable development is (1.1.x) is happening on the 1.1.x branch, while trunk is now uDig 1.2.x with other less-stable development.

Just a few suggestions: 1. Could be in the "Style Editor" dialog an option to show as many colors as classes in a layer???.
	For instance: in the "Theme" part I can select an "Attribute" (e.g. Species) and a number of "Classes" (max 12 classes) but if i 	would like to have as many colors as species are in my shapefile of points, could be an option to generate more colors?? a unique 	color for each specie?

The style editor is slated for improvements during uDig 1.2; work should begin on that in a few months.

	2. In the Toolbar are 3 buttons: "Select and Edit Geometry", "Create Polygon Geometry", "Delete Feature". Could theese buttons 	be in one in order to clean space in the toolbar??

I'm not sure if this is easily done yet, but as a rule of thumb RCP applications can override functionality like the population of the toolbar for a given plugin (tool.edit in this case) by creating a fragment and overriding the class which adds the buttons.

Unfortunately I don't know the class which does this off the top of my head...


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