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Re: [udig-devel] Some problems and suggestions

Quoting "Schmitt, Magna (CIP)" <M.SCHMITT@xxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello:
> An issue with uDig RC4 from trunk:
> - When I delete a layer from "Layers" view, the layer in the editor
> dissapears but in the "Layers" view remains still.

This is fixed in later versions.

> Just a few suggestions:
> 	1. Could be in the "Style Editor" dialog an option to show as many colors as
> classes in a layer???.
> 	For instance: in the "Theme" part I can select an "Attribute" (e.g. Species)
> and a number of "Classes" (max 12 classes) but if i 
	would like to have as
> many colors as species are in my shapefile of points, could be an option to
> generate more colors?? a unique 	color for each specie?
I made a JIRA for this:

> 	2. In the Toolbar are 3 buttons: "Select and Edit Geometry", "Create Polygon
> Geometry", "Delete Feature". Could theese buttons 
	be in one in order to
> clean space in the toolbar??

I don't really like that idea for the general app you may be able to use a 
fragment to replace the plugin.xml in the tool.edit plugin with your own that 
does this.  Just change the tool category for each tool.

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