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RE: [udig-devel] FOSS4G Presentations (and who is going anyways)...

Hi Everyone,

I plan to go to FOSS4G and am looking forward to meeting you there and
learning more about what you are doing.

I put in an abstract (
titled "Grids 1.0 beta and beyond". I have not yet had any feedback, but
hopefully it is acceptable. If I get confirmation I plan to organise a
presentation and flesh out the abstract.

Thanks for making me aware this was happening. I hope that my work on
raster data handling is of interest to some of you.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jody
Sent: 13 July 2006 22:18
To: User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS
Cc: GeoTools Devel List
Subject: Re: [udig-devel] FOSS4G Presentations (and who is going

Jody Garnett wrote:
> Hi everyone, I am planning on attending the FOSS4G conference this
> year and would like to give a couple presentations on GeoTools (my 
> understanding is presentations are around 30 min long with questions).
Well initial feedback is that I can provide more details, and that I 
should focus on making the title stronger.
> Using GeoTools Now
> ----------------------
> This presentation will run through the GeoTools library, covering what
> this powerful toolkit
> can offer your Geospatial project. An overview of the library will be 
> provided, with a discussion
> of the available services. We will also cover the supported plug-ins, 
> and extensions
> that enabled GeoTools to tackle a wide range of day to day operations.
> GeoTools is a Java toolkit used in both desktop applications and web
> services. The library
> provides a complete software stack for handling spatial data, with an 
> emphasis on OGC and ISO
> open standards. The library is available in a buisness friendly LGPL 
> license, and is pleased to be part
> of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.
> This talk is important to projects that want to start working with
> spatial information today. It covers
> how the GeoTools library can save you time today, and provide a solid 
> foundation for your future.
> What is next for GeoTools
> ---------------------------
> The GeoTools community is active and is chasing down many of the 
> problems that trouble today's
> Geospatial application developer. Making use of this powerful library 
> is a great opperunity to
> use the latest technology and standards in the company of experts from

> around the world.
> This talk will also cover several weakness  in the GeoTools library 
> and what is currently being done
> to address them.
> Topics covered will range from the documentation and QA, to the recent
> work on grid coverages and a
> revised feature model. The approach used for handling of rich content 
> such as metadata and GML3
> will also be discussed.
> GeoTools is a powerful Java toolkit used in both desktop applications
> and web services. The library is
> available in a buisness friendly LGPL license, and is pleased to be 
> part of the Open Source Geospatial
> Foundation.
> This talk is important to projects evaulating GeoTools for use. An
> understanding of the risks and rewards
> facing GeoTools development is required for project planning, and 
> offers the opperunity for
> communtiy involvement.
Sounds like Paul has a uDig talk covered.


User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)

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