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Re: [udig-devel] FOSS4G Presentations (and who is going anyways)...

Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi everyone, I am planning on attending the FOSS4G conference this year and would like to give a couple presentations on GeoTools (my understanding is presentations are around 30 min long with questions).
Well initial feedback is that I can provide more details, and that I should focus on making the title stronger.
Using GeoTools Now
This presentation will run through the GeoTools library, covering what this powerful toolkit can offer your Geospatial project. An overview of the library will be provided, with a discussion of the available services. We will also cover the supported plug-ins, and extensions
that enabled GeoTools to tackle a wide range of day to day operations.

GeoTools is a Java toolkit used in both desktop applications and web services. The library provides a complete software stack for handling spatial data, with an emphasis on OGC and ISO open standards. The library is available in a buisness friendly LGPL license, and is pleased to be part
of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

This talk is important to projects that want to start working with spatial information today. It covers how the GeoTools library can save you time today, and provide a solid foundation for your future.
What is next for GeoTools
The GeoTools community is active and is chasing down many of the problems that trouble today's Geospatial application developer. Making use of this powerful library is a great opperunity to use the latest technology and standards in the company of experts from around the world. This talk will also cover several weakness in the GeoTools library and what is currently being done
to address them.

Topics covered will range from the documentation and QA, to the recent work on grid coverages and a revised feature model. The approach used for handling of rich content such as metadata and GML3
will also be discussed.

GeoTools is a powerful Java toolkit used in both desktop applications and web services. The library is available in a buisness friendly LGPL license, and is pleased to be part of the Open Source Geospatial

This talk is important to projects evaulating GeoTools for use. An understanding of the risks and rewards facing GeoTools development is required for project planning, and offers the opperunity for
communtiy involvement.
Sounds like Paul has a uDig talk covered.


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