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Re: [udig-devel] FOSS4G Presentations (and who is going anyways)...

Andy Turner wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I plan to go to FOSS4G and am looking forward to meeting you there and
learning more about what you are doing.
Yeah - and there there were two...
I put in an abstract (
titled "Grids 1.0 beta and beyond". I have not yet had any feedback, but
hopefully it is acceptable. If I get confirmation I plan to organise a
presentation and flesh out the abstract.
That is a great link, however it is locked away by the evil denizens of a security daemon. Is your talk going to cover nD coverages?
Thanks for making me aware this was happening. I hope that my work on
raster data handling is of interest to some of you.
:-) More content the merrier.

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