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RE: [udig-devel] New drawed features are not shown


I found out that the problem that newly added features are not shown has
something to do with creating a map by code. When I create a map inside udig
using my datastore it is working correctly. Also when I use the complete Map
Perspective inside my application and creating a new map is working. But
when I create a map by code the redraw is not triggerd or something like
that. Because when I trigger a redraw by hand I see the feature changes
getting visible. 

I use this code for creating the map

CatalogPlugin catalog = CatalogPlugin.getDefault();
Project project = (Project) ApplicationGIS.getActiveProject();
CreateMapCommand command=new CreateMapCommand("Zones", null, project);

ApplicationGIS.addLayersToMap(map, resourceList, map.getMapLayers().size(),

I though that this was the way to create a map by hand. The new created map
is also opened automatically. Is this still valid or should I use other
methods to create a map?

Best regards,

Johan de Koning		

From: udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:udig-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johan C. de
Sent: Friday, April 21, 2006 11:39 AM
To: 'User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS'
Subject: [udig-devel] New drawed features are not shown


I created a new datastore which get the data through our server (for
security) from a database. Getting the features is working but when I draw a
new one the feature is not shown. The fact is that it is not shown but it is
created because when I commit and trigger a redraw the feature is shown. The
same problem is with editing exists features or deleting them. Does somebody
know who to fix this or what the problem can be? 

Using my own datastore worked some times ago within 1.1M3. But it is not
working anymore (really strange for me because I don't know if I really
changed something) and I also moved on to 1.1M7 

Best regards,

Johan de Koning

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