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Re: [udig-devel] SDK installation unders linux


do not bother with my previous message

by reading the developer documentation I have better understood how is the svn repository organized and have eventually found where the cotemplates.xml and codeformater.xml are.

the location given in the tutorial (at page does not work so here is the right adress :

I then go back to my installation

Hi Vincent,

If you have a moment, feel free to update the Wiki if you can think of a better way that someone else might avoid the confusion you have encountered :)

I actually have the same regarding Mozilla and Eclipse on Linux. I haven't actually bothered to fix it, but I believe Jesse had at some point.

If you are using Ubuntu, I think the latest version of Eclipse in the repositories is 3.1.1, and that might be properly configured to talk to Mozilla. I installed mine manually though.


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