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Re: [udig-devel] SDK installation unders linux

Laugier Vincent a écrit :


I am trying to install a udig development environment to work on a plugin that handle automatic update of a map

so far, I am stucked with some installation problem on my linux distrib

I am running eclipse 3.1.1 and a jdk_1.5.04

I have tried 2 things :

1. install the SDK *from the zip file.* The problem is that I do not manage to create the tutorial plugin DistanceTool since I am not given the extension type "Modal Tool". I looked at some previous posts and saw a similar problem. The advice was to try to install from the source which I did.

2. install the SDK* from the source code*. This time I managed to get the "Modal tool" choice but udig is not working properly. For example, the map is not updated as I check or uncheck a layer. Since it was the first time I was doing this I have been trying again tonight more carefully but the codetemplates.xml and codeformatter.xml needed to configure eclipse ( do not appear in the trunk anymore.

apart from this, the information tool is not working on none of the installation (even the "run only" udig) gives me a "moziila not find" error message in the console (already reported in 2005)

I will be very grateful if someone can give me some hints so that I can actually start working and give you some more cheering feedback



User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig)


do not bother with my previous message

by reading the developer documentation I have better understood how is the svn repository organized and have eventually found where the cotemplates.xml and codeformater.xml are.

the location given in the tutorial (at page does not work so here is the right adress :

I then go back to my installation



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