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Re: [udig-devel] request for source code

Reply inline .... Jody Garnett said:

> p.v.vineeth kumar reddy wrote:
>> hello,
>>          I want to develop a plugin and I find a clear instructions for the same. But I am not
>> able to download the source code from the svn repository suggested in the site. I would
>> like to have trunk directory specified there in the form of a zip file. Please help
> We have done better then that!
> There is an SDK release that includes source code - and instructions on
> how to use it. There is also a plug-in tutorial.
> -<>
> -<>
> Doing both of these should take around 30 minuets, if you get a chance I
> would love your feedback. There is email,
> and I will also be on IRC (freenode#udig) if you need any help.
         Thank you very much for the reply. I resolved that problem and now I am able to get
things clear. I imported the plugins. But I am facing problems in building my program
refering to the udig classes. I read the instructions and they seem too instructive. I
would like to know simple procedure for importing.
Um - I am not sure what you mean? Let me try a guess.

From the SDK release, if you want to import one of the uDig plug-ins (in order to work on it directly), you can switch to the plug-ins view - it will list all plugins in the target (both eclipse and udig). You can right click on any of those and choose to import as source or import as binary.

This will import it into your workspace so you can hack on it. You can also do the same thing using the File -> Import menu.

It should be noted that this procedure is only used if you want to work on uDig directly .... is that what you want to do?

If you are creating your own application you probably wish to subclass uDig application with your own implementation. Often this is used to set up a WorkbenchAdvisor and Perspective with menus and such.

There is an example of doing this in the repository here -

There is some reference material here:

If that does not work out for you let me know and we can write up a tutorial together, I can do the writing and you can try it out and correct? (Note if you login to the uDig site you can edit anything :-) )
                For your information, I am doing "City Land Record System" project for govt. of
Gujarat, India, for managing their land records.

                So, What I planned is to display maps in stored in the form of shape files, show
the paramters like owner, registration day and other relevant parameters of each
area selected, just like you people did in the udig software. If possible, I will
be trying to store the shape files in a geoserver and retreive them for display.
That is cool - it actually sounds like a great project. What you describe one of the things we have tried to make easy in uDig, producing a custom app that is optimized for editing a few kinds of content. One of the main GeoServer people (the former lead Chris Holmes is in India right now), you may even be able to
impose on him for some training....
                I have been looking your api for past two days and I found some classes like
"UDIGApplication" to readily and easily accomplish this project. In case, if you
have time, please list few important classes to accomplish this.
We have some tutorials we did up for our training course that show exactly how to make a custom editor for a specific Feature type.
I can find the extension point for making custom Feature editors for you.
- FeatureEditor
- net.refractions.udig.project.ui.featureEditor

I have been able to share these tutoriials with academics and Refractions partners in the past ... wonder if we can figure out something. Actually I am revising these tutorials for uDig 1.2 - if I send you an updated Draft and you give me feedback we will both end up ahead.
                                   Thanking you sir,
Cheers - and enjoy your project! If you jump on freenode#udig during the week you will find a lot more uDig developers then send email to
the list.


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