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[udig-devel] Re: [Geotools-devel] The World's on its side! (projection issue)

Paul Ramsey a écrit :
The .prj file is saying that the first axis is Lat and the second axis is Lon. Open the .shp portion and inspect the actual ordinates. It seems likely to me that this is an error in the .prj file in this case, because if it were correct geotools would have actually done the correct axis swap and things would have worked right. My guess is that geotools is doing everything right, but that the input information is actually wrong: in addition to checking the ordinates, try reversing the order of the AXIS elements in the .prj, to make sure geotools is in fact picking them up and trying to use them (I think it is).

Paul is right, it is a good idea to inspect the actual ordinates.

I also confirm that the WKT parser should pickup the AXIS elements, and CoordinateOperationFactory performs automatically the axis swapping if needed.

Note that if the AXIS elements need to be interchanged in the .prj file, then the result should not have an AUTHORITY["EPSG","4269"] element since it would not be EPSG:4269 anymore. Latest Geotools implementations (on trunk) use the AUTHORITY element in some cases for fetching additional information in the EPSG database, like Bursa-Wolf parameters. There is safeguards against wrong AUTHORITY element, but it is always safer to keep them accurate anyway.


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