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[udig-devel] Re: The World's on its side! (projection issue)

dblasby@xxxxxxxxxxxxx a écrit :
When I load shapefiles into UDIG, I find that everything is flipped on
its side (so antarctica runs north-south on the left side of the map).

If I delete the .prj file and re-load, it works correctly.

The dataset came from ogr2ogr.

I'm assuming this is Geotools CRS & PROJ.4 disagreeing on what 4326
actually means.

I don't think that there is any disagreement between Proj.4 and Geotools. The EPSG:4326 definition has no ambiguity about axis order. Actually there is a disagreement between... Geotools and Geotools.

The officiel axis order for EPSG:4326 is (latitude,longitude). The .prj file attached in the previous mail was correct: the AXIS clauses in this WKT correctly appear in "Lat", "Long" order.

In Geotools, we currently have 4 epsg factories: epsg-wkt, epsg-access, epsg-hsql and epsg-postgresql. All of them define EPSG:4326 axis in (latitude,longitude) order as specified in the EPSG database, except epsg-wkt which creates EPSG:4326 CRS with (longitude,latitude) axis order. I believe that epsg-wkt is the factory used by udig, which may explain the flipping.

Actually, epsg-wkt factory seems to rely on the default axis order instead of providing explicit definitions for them. Because the WKT specification said that the default order is (longitude,latitude), this explain why axis order in epsg-wkt is (longitude,latitude).

Other than deleting all my .prj files (which I dont really want to do
since other products use them just fine) what can I do?  Is there a
"like-everyone-else's 4326" mode?

I think Geotools needs to talk with Frank Warmerdam (the OGR/GDAL/PROJ.4

I don't think that we need to talk with Frank Warmerdam. As said above, the EPSG:4326 definition is very clear. The epsg-wkt axis order problem is known since March or April (approximatively), and this issue has been mentionned some time on the Geotools mailing list. Other factories like epsg-hsql should provide correct axis order.

A solution may be to migrate udig toward the use of an other epsg factory (for example epsg-hsql). It would need some minor work on Geotools side (just the port of AUTO factory, which currently live in epsg-wkt), and maybe some work on udig side. The amount of work needed on udig side depends on the way it handle CRS. If the udig renderer make no assumption about axis order and always check them, then the migration to an other epsg factory should be transparent.

If a migration toward an other epsg factory is not acceptable, a second solution is to patch epsg-wkt. But it would need the same amount of work on udig side.


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