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Re: [udig-devel] Re: How to add a new language support?

To use the chinese local run udig using the following line:

udig -nl zh


Quoting Machiel Lee <machiel.lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Hello, Jesse, Jody, Matthias,
> Thanks for your guiding information.
> I had cheked ou the uDig source code, let it runing, and translate some of
> the property and message files. put the and
> to the place where the and
> (and their french counterparts) already reside. Then I
> build nl1.jar, and run uDig in JVM -Duser.language=zh, but no Chinese menu
> appears.The menu is still in English. It seem it does not use the Chinese
> Locale.
> I don't know if it is the problem like Jody Garnett said,
> "some of the fun unicode support is reserved for
> Windows at the moment ".
> On 8/16/05, Matthias Basler <Matthias.Basler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi Machinel
> >
> > I did the German translation, so I guess I can help a bit.
> >
> > You wrote
> > > I want to know how to add Chinese language support.
> > > Just provide a a properties file like and messages
> > > files.
> > > It seems it does not works.
> > > Should I modify other parts?
> >
> > Well, it might help if you describe what exactly you've done...
> >
> > I'll try to give an overview anyway:
> >
> > Adding a new language support involves three things:
> > 1. localizing the UI with the .properties files
> > 2. localizeng splash screen and welcome page
> > 3. localizing the help contents, most important the introductory tutorial
> >
> > UI localization
> > ---------------
> > The first thing you'll need to do (if you havn't already done so) is to
> checkout
> > and build uDig, as it is described in the Quickstart
> >
> > and in more detail in the Project Guide
> > .
> > Be sure that you checkout uDig including the existing .nl1 fragments,
> which are
> > to contain the localized files.
> >
> > Once you have uDig running (I guess you have), you start translating all
> the
> > .properties files you find. As you've already found out there are usually
> two
> > per plugin: a "" and a "". You put the
> > and to the place where the
> > and (and their french
> counterparts)
> > already reside.
> >
> > If you havn't yet done so, edit the run configuration in Eclipse to
> include all
> > the nl1 fragments as well. Start uDig. and look for menu entries that you
> have
> > translated already. If this doesn't work, let us know.
> >
> > Splash screen and welcome dialog
> > --------------------------------
> > The localized splash screens go into net.refractions.udig.ui.nl1\nl\zh.
> > The localized welcome pages go into
> net.refractions.udig.ui.nl1\nl\zh\intro
> >
> > Send the translated files to uDig
> > ---------------------------------
> > You probably want the translations to show up in the next release. So they
> must
> > get incorporated into the subversion repository. If you have commit rights
> for
> > uDig you can commit them directly.
> >
> > If not, send the files to uDig.
> I do not have commit rights.
> For there are so many folders, it takes some time to get each message and
> properties out and send by email. Is there an eassy way to do?
> For the German translation I opened a JIRA task
> > at (You will need a login to open a
> > task.) There create a "new issue", describe that this is for Chinese
> language
> > support. Attach a file that contains the .properties files and possibly
> others
> > like the splash screen, sorted by the plugins to which they belong. Maybe
> add a
> > description to the attachment, saying how far you are and what's still
> missung.
> > The uDig people will see the Jira task and will then incorporate your sent
> > files - and answer you, in my experience.
> >
> > Help contents
> For help contents in Chines, I think it should be the next step.
> First we should let the menu and message work, is it?
> > -------------
> > The help contents, such as the introductory tutorial is edited asa wiki
> page.
> > The Englisch, German, and French versions can be found under the point
> > "Application help" at the page
> >
> > The English wiki, f.i., is here:
> >
> >
> > Once you ask for it, uDig people will probably open a Chinese space for
> you,
> > where you can create translated help pages. You will have to copy the page
> > hierarchy (and preferably the page names) from te English version and
> translate
> > the content. (Use the English images as a start. You can later add
> screenshots
> > from the localized chinese version, once it's ready.)
> > Start with the introductory tutorial, since this is what people are going
> to see
> > first.
> >
> > You will also have to "translate" the table of contents files (the TOCs)
> that
> > lie in each language's help space. Otherwise you won't see the localized
> help
> > pages. They are a bit tricky. As usual, look how the German and French
> > translations are done, if you do it the same way it should work.
> >
> > If you have further questions to one of the above steps, don't hesistate
> to ask.
> >
> > Good luck.
> > Matthias Basler
> > c9bama@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > This mail was sent through
> >
> Thanks for your detailed information!
> machiel

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