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[udig-devel] Re: How to add a new language support?

zh_CN is Simplified Chinese, mainly used in Mainland; zh_TW is Tranditional Chinese, mainly used in Taiwan region. The words have the same meaning, but different writting style.
I can see the attached image snapshots, yes, The Chinese words are right.
I tried in my computer, now it works. Thanks for your  instruction. Next steep I will do the translation. After that, I'd like to send it to uDig.

Thankss for your help!


On 8/17/05, Matthias Basler <Matthias.Basler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Zitat von Machiel Lee <machiel.lee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> I had cheked ou the uDig source code, let it runing, and translate some of
> the property and message files. put the and
> to the place where the and
> (and their french counterparts) already reside. Then I
> build nl1.jar, and run uDig in JVM -Duser.language=zh , but no Chinese menu
> appears.The menu is still in English. It seem it does not use the Chinese
> Locale.

1. How big are the differences between zh_CN and zh_TW? If there are significant
differences, lease use either zh_CN or zh_TW, depending on your country. Eclipse
does this distinction, so I believe we should do it as well. However this should
not affect whether your translation works or not.

2. I don't understand one word of Chinese, but luckily there exist Chinese
translations for Eclipse 3.0.1 (look for "Eclipse language packs"). Some words
and phrases that are of interest for uDig as well, are in the modules
but they have different keys in uDig.

But this enabled me to do a small test: I created a
in net.refractions.udig.ui beside the already existing messages_de and ~_fr.
I copied some corresponding entries from the Eclipse translations, from,
to the newly created
Then I created a new launch configuration with the VM parameter
as an argument (see launchConfigChinese.png).

After having activated east asian language support in Windows I started uDig in
Eclipse and voilá: How does this look? (see uDigChineseMenuEntries.png)

So, it works for me - actually easier than expected.

> I do not have commit rights.
> For there are so many folders, it takes some time to get each message and
> properties out and send by email. Is there an eassy way to do?

I don't think so. I simply created a structure like this
with each simply having the and in it.

Yes, that's some work (but not much). But you could write a little script that
creates the directories and copies the files there, so you don't have to do the
work several times. In the end I zipped the whole directory and attached it to
the Jira task.

P.S. Do you recieve the "udig-devel" mailing list or shall I continue to send a
copy of each reply to you directly (to machiel.lee@...)?

Good luck.
Matthias Basler

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