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Re: [udig-devel] A second Release candidate (and now the third)

I don't think that would be necessary, and I don't know what I'd do anyways (just what IS the JRE - file, folder, ?).

After looking around a bit more on Apple Java mailing lists and documentation, I think there is one way I could do it short of having the whole Eclipse setup and udig source. I'm pretty sure it's that udig executable that's using /usr/bin/java to start things up instead of letting the .app package configuration tell the system which Java to use - the Info.plist setting is supposed to specify this, but it's being ignored.

As a test I ran startup.jar from the CLI with the full path to Java 5 and it worked (and it didn't background with no menubar like my last attempt). I found something that Azureus uses to reset system limits, it's a shell script that runs ulimit, then runs the actual application. It is supposedly possible to create an application bundle from a jar - I could have the script force Java 5 on startup.jar.

Here's info about this 'prelude' method:


Speaking of limits, as that page says, the open file limit is pretty low (I checked and it's still 256 in Tiger). Would uDig benefit from a higher open file limit? Any other limits that might be of concern?

A question - is the name of 'startup.jar' fixed? The process name is still coming out as 'java', not 'udig', so if I can get this shell prelude thing working, I would want to name startup.jar to uDig.jar at least (maybe even just 'uDig', if the .jar is not needed).

What about any hard-coded relations of the directory structure? So far I must have everything in the Contents/MacOS folder to work, even though the Info.plist sets a classpath (I guess the udig app expects startup.jar and plugins and the others to be in the same folder). Anything in particular that should be in the classpath? (There are many jars in the plugins folder and it would be insane to list them all, maybe there's just one that's essential?). Ideally I would like to have this directory structure:
        startup.jar [or uDig.jar or uDig]
icon128.icns [a Mac-ified version of the icon file found in a udig jar]
            [contents of 'plugins' folder]

The Resources/Java folder is the default JAVAROOT (is that a Java environment variable, or some Apple thing?) for the bundle, and is difficult to change (ie to Resources/plugins to match udig's structure). But I can set the classpath to anything in the bundle, so if configuration, features and plugins must be in the same folder, I could just leave 'Java' empty.

I noticed it also generates a workspace folder. Not sure what it's for (my lack of Java knowledge). Where is the default location for that and is it possible to set another location?

On Aug 9, 2005, at 10:59 PM, Jesse Eichar wrote:

On all the other platforms if there is a JRE directory in the udig directory that JRE is used. As an experiment maybe you could put a link to the JRE in the udig directory.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Theory of the Universe

There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarrely inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.

-Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 2nd season intro

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