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Re: [udig-devel] Preferences in Quickstart

Matthias Basler wrote:

4. Change Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings:
  * Turn on all the warnings

Well, I think that's a bit irritating. There are several sections in these
options (Code style, J2SE options, unnecessary code etc.), and as I see from
the more detailed instructions and screenshots on it is
not your intention to have ALL warnings on.

My suggestion is, instead of writing "Turn on all the warnings", better link to
the more detailed page so people do it correctly from the start.
Done, we only listed the bare minimum to get things to build on the Quickstart, link to the page to let people turn down
the warnings we develop against.

I have also gone through and removed all the .settings, so changing your preferences will actually effect a change. I was forced to do this as the PDE build appears to ignore the .settings and I am doing my best to make release possible
the the Product export wizard in addition to through nightly builds.


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