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Re: [udig-devel] Re: DB2 and Oracle support

David Adler wrote:

So I plan to try out this idea, making the "unfriendly" databases like oracle and db2 only available via an update site. This buys me two things:
- uDig is not downloaded with things that cannot work out of the box
- when installing a "Feature" from an updateSite I can customize the install wizard to include a page that tells the users where the jdbc-driver can be downloaded from, and lets them point the wizard at to the downloaded driver.

Jody, what are you planning? It isn't clear what type of wizard you are suggesting.

Sorry it was not clear. In a sense I am "still" planning as I am trying to figure out update sites and how I am supposed to solve this problem. I was going to try it out on Oracle and then ask you what you thought.

I'm not sure how "unfriendly" DB2 and Oracle actually are in regards to the JDBC drivers. If you have the product installed, it contains the JDBC drivers and you are guaranteed to have the right level.

Fair enough, lets just say that workflow is a bit difficult for the open source development model (witness the inclusion of a mock oracle-jdbc driver with uDig so people can checkout and compile even when they do not have the product).

It would seem to make sense to me to use the DataStoreFactory.isAvailable() to check whether the data store can be used before even adding the various databases to the selection list in uDIG. At least in the case of DB2DataStoreFactory, this checks the availability of the JDBC drivers.

Correct - that is the design and it will work.

Since uDIG is supposed to be "User-friendly", it seems it should be as easy as possible to get it up and running for any data source.

True - and here is how I hope to do that. For Oracle and DB2 (where we cannot include the jdbc driver) I need to find a way to let users point me towards the jdbc driver they already have.

I can think of two ways to do this:
1. Through a Preference page - When the user points towards a new jdbc driver, I would need to figure out how modify the classpath of the already running plugin. 2. When the users goes to install the feature (if you download a nightly build you can see a "Find and Install..." menu item in the help menu.

My impression is that option number 2 is what I am supposed to do. There is also a manual process - ask the user to place the jdbc driver jar into the correct plugin.


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