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Re: [udig-devel] uDig Plug-in:

Jukka Sirviö wrote:
There was couple of problems in oracle plug-in (thanks to Vitali for resolving these):

1. "dummy_spatial-8.1.8.jar" -package in geotools -project's oracle-spatial plug-in contains OracleConnection etc. classes which are not compatible with latest releases of JRE, JDBC drivers etc. These classes have to be removed from this package! Otherwise Eclipse does not complain about errors during compilation, instead the errors exists during runtime!

So I plan to try out this idea, making the "unfriendly" databases like oracle and db2 only available via an update site. This buys me two things:
- uDig is not downloaded with things that cannot work out of the box
- when installing a "Feature" from an updateSite I can customize the install wizard to include a page that tells the users where the jdbc-driver can be downloaded from, and lets them point the wizard at to the downloaded driver.

I will point out that other Eclipse projects have taken to issuing up the same agreement that appears on the websites. And asking the users to click "yes". Oracle is a bit more difficult as they want a series of 5 questions answered "yes" before making the jar available.

2. In database connection's Parameter Map the port should be String instead of Integer. There was at least two places in where Integer was used!

I think that may just be a bug with the OracleDataStoreFactory?

I'll continue testing the plug-in..

Thank you very much - I am glad you have gotten things to work :-)


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