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[udig-devel] Re: Re: RC4 help feedback comment

Hi developers, hi Jody

> Could we consider using German images? I understand this would be an
> additional download burden, but the result may well be worth it.

I havn't yet come to a conclusion about that, because maintaining images for
every language is quite a big task - and it makes the download larger BTW.
Anyway, as a prerequisite this would require that the interface translation is
complete, e.g. the Eclipse language pack included in the release. Hm ... I
could just copy it into the uDig plugin directory, as a workaround.

> That is really not my understanding, the images are exported with the
> html content.

Yes, the images were there. But when I checked the German html help pages in RC4
I found that the absolute internet links were not replaced by links pointing to
the existing image directories. Also the relative internet links were
unchanged, so they pointed to nowhere.
Your comment at the bottom explains why.

> I would really like to know the name of a page that has changed name? It
> is not my intention to have the page names move.  I confess I did not
> forsee the need of different language spaces to cross link images.

"Importing" became "Adding data" (and it was not me doing that). I have already
adapted the German pages to the change. The french ones still use "Importing",
so this needs to get fixed.

> I will revist the procuedures, it seems we have two good ideas:
> 1) limit pages to the use of their own attachments (what I kind of
> thought was going on).

Means more work for me, since I would have to manually take every image from the
English pages and insert it into the German wiki version instead of just setting
a link. OK, it's good enough for the moment, but for the long term I could
envision something more clever.

Matthias Basler

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