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Re: [udig-devel] Re: Re: RC4 help feedback comment

Matthias Basler wrote:

Anyway, as a prerequisite this would require that the interface translation is
complete, e.g. the Eclipse language pack included in the release. Hm ... I
could just copy it into the uDig plugin directory, as a workaround.
It seems a lot to take the entire language pack (when I am sure we only use 5% of the content). The good news is that Eclipse 3.1 is nearing the end of its development cycle and chances are we can geta a language pack sepcific to the RCP (rather than all of eclipse).

"Importing" became "Adding data" (and it was not me doing that). I have already
adapted the German pages to the change. The french ones still use "Importing",
so this needs to get fixed.
I see - thanks for letting me know.

Importing means something specific to the application. This page was left over from uDig 0.7 when one could import data *just* into the Catalog. Similarly one should be able to "import" a Web Map Context document.

Means more work for me, since I would have to manually take every image from the
English pages and insert it into the German wiki version instead of just setting
a link. OK, it's good enough for the moment, but for the long term I could
envision something more clever.
We are capable of being more clever. However if was a user of the German online help I would kind of expect the screen snapshots to agree with what was on my machine.


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