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Re: [udig-devel] RC4 help feedback comment

I have reverted this page back such that is has all the links.

Like Matthias said, I don't see the point of following Eclipse's example if we can do something better and easier to use.

I am hoping sometime before the 1.0 release I will have time to do a good QA session on the help system.


Matthias Basler wrote:

Hi developers.

Regarding the feedback about the help system from "anonymous", which I just
Could someone (maybe Richard) have a look at following user guide page
and then to its French and German translations.

The English page really contains only one sentence and dosn't lead the user to
the actual tutorial's pages.
The funny thing is that an earlier version of this page DID have all the links,
that is, it looked similar to the french and German version, wich I would call
"correct". Was there any reason behind removing the links and providing an
nearly empty page?
I would strongly suggest resetting the English page to the "old" complete
version and then updating any links that maybe have changed in the mean time.

Regarding the (obvioulsly) broken image links: Has ANYONE actually tested the
help before releasing the RC4 release??? I'm going to have a look myself later
to check what happened.

Matthias Basler

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