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Re: [udig-devel] Re: RC4 help feedback comment

Thanks for the thoughtful comments Matthias,

I couple quick notes. I can write a macro to direct users to an image directory (if that indeed as a good solution). We will need to figure out something.

As a result I'm currently removing all relative links that I had inserted as a
test from the German wiki.
Could we consider using German images? I understand this would be an additional download burden, but the result may well be worth it.

It is clear from above that the German(!) uDig help does load all images FROM
THE INTERNET and does not use any images delivered in the help plugin. This has
two serious drawbacks:
That is really not my understanding, the images are exported with the html content. > - If in the wiki pages get renamed or moved or images get unavailable for other
reasons this will affect the users of already released versions since their help
images will be broken

1. Put all images into one directory in the help plugin, e.g.
"net.refractions.udig.help_0.8.0/html/images" or
2. Write some macro (or other automated search/replace function) that replaces
ALL image links in ALL web pages of ALL locales to point to this directory
3. Run this macro whenever exporing help pages from the wiki.
(This should also leave the possibility that localized images are used if they
are stored e.g. in
"" resp.
"" resp.

The third problem I realized is that translators need a notification system.
That is, if someone does major changes on the English wiki (especially deleting
images, renaming pages etc.), translators must made aware of this. In my case I
found that some image links were not working any more because a page name was
changed and its image links as well as a result.
I would really like to know the name of a page that has changed name? It is not my intention to have the page names move. I confess I did not forsee the need of different language spaces to cross link images.

OK, I could look at the EN space summary from time to time to find out what's

Once can also subscribe to a email feed of changed pages, and an RRS feed as well. There are several ways to be made aware of content changes.

(This is how I notice when users supply comments on and page in the system).

Forgive me for saying it so directly:
If you continue to release uDig RC versions without ensuring the function of
basic things like the help system before releasing them you will definitely
scare away users...
I concur, the release has been "withdrawn", and is no longer listed as "Latest". The download is still available however.

P.S. This shows quite clearly the drawback of the wiki solution: Things that do
(or seem to) work in the wiki user guide do not necessarily work in the
released program. Unfortunatly I don't have a better solution myself -

I will revist the procuedures, it seems we have two good ideas:
1) limit pages to the use of their own attachments (what I kind of thought was going on). 2) create a user macro for images used across pages (this is already the case for the {related} user marcro.


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