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[udig-devel] Sample TOC files

Richard Gould wrote:

There is another (big, IMO) negative: it forces every translated help system to mirror the English one exactly. Also this forces the guides to be more maintainable. If you change the name of a page on one guide, you have to change it across guides. I think it is best left up to each individual guide to determine its content.

I know we would like to be nice here, and grant each locale freedom to implement as little (or as much) as possible.
But there are limits....
The online help html pages are expected to be static, we have binding to this content in table of contents files (which it does seem we will have to translate), and in source code where a view is associated with a specific help context.

At some point we need to step in and have common ground - here is the range of help information:
- at the help context ids? common
- at the plug in.xml context id extention points? common
- at the locale specific F1 text
- at the toc files? locale specific headings exported from wiki
- at the html files? locale specific content exported from wiki


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